Your patients are reading your reviews...are you? More and more your online presence is helping your patients and clients trust your brand and inform their decisions.
Rob Gandley, social and marketing specialist and entrepreneur shares his expertise from Mount Herman, Monument, Colorado. Here are two things you can start doing as a small business owner to build trust.
First, ask your patients about their experience. It was awesome! Ask them to tell their story by writing a review.
Next, thank them for the review as they promise to do this.
Finally, reward them with a quality gift that YOU would use. We give our clients a nice mug as it fits with our coffee bar and outreach. They will be much more likely to give a review and when they do it will be from the heart. Your patient's time is important. Reward them for their time.
This order is important and their is some great research to support asking one question, that is the most important question, related to customer satisfaction.
"How likely are you to recommend my business to your friends and family?"

Giving them a great mug that has a cool logo is reminding your patients (that already love what you do) to spread the news about their experiences in your business.
Second, check out your Google My Business page. As Rob puts it, this is an area that is mostly overlooked and a great way to share who you are to your patients. Simply type your business name into Google and your business page will pull up. This is where your patients will do their review. Make sure you look at all the categories and that the information is correct. You can also share posts and information through this page as well.
Doing a Google review is easy! Click on the stars (5 is best!) and it will direct you to a review page where you can type in your story and submit. Only issue that we have found is if someone does not have a Google account (Gmail). When this happens we say Facebook or Yelp as another option.

While this information is not new the idea of trusting your clients to do a review while rewarding them for their time with a quality gift is. I can tell you from first hand experience that this process is successful and the reviews that you will get are from the heart and will 'pay it forward' to the next patient.
I give one last challenge when a patient promises to do a review for us. I ask them to tell their story. What would they appreciate reading about their experience at Cornerstone?