Why diagnostic ultrasound?
Through years of research using diagnostic ultrasound, fine wire EMG and even functional MRI Paul W Hodges PT PhD has pioneered our understanding of how our core works. During our study of core function over the last 6 years Cornerstone adopted diagnostic ultrasound to better treat our clients. It just made sense! If you could see how the core was working you could effectively TRAIN IT!
SEEING your core allows us to TRAIN your core
Causes of a weak core
Any previous back or pelvic injury can stop your core from working. Following the birth of your child can cause your core to be weaker, especially if there was any injury to your hips or pelvis during labor. The research has shown that even though your back or pelvic pain resolves you can still have a weak core after the pain goes away!
After a back or pelvic injury your core may still be weak!
A weak core may cause degeneration to your spine
You don't need your core...but boy it's useful! While we don't need to have a working core to live life there is a draw back of not having your core do its job. Everytime you pick up a heavy object, pull on a stuck door, pick up your child or do a core exercise, if your core is not working you will use your very powerful hip flexors and back muscles. The problem with doing this is that these muscles sit close to your spine and do not have leverage. The result is back compression and increased tension. This can lead to what we call micro-trauma of the lower lumbar facet joints. This micro-trauma can cause degeneration over time, disc injuries as well as ligament injuries leading to bone spurs!
back tension
– tension and even pain to our back –
weak core