Each pelvic and back injury has three components that need to be evaluated and addressed. The first is a joint or structural problem. The next is a muscle imbalance, weakness and muscle trigger points of the trunk, hip and leg. Finally, the third is the core. What treatments are best and what should you stop doing right away!
Developing a clear purpose statement or one-liner for what you or your business does helps with clarity and draws people in to want to know more. This post is about answering 3 questions and share some tools to help you and your business get BETTER by clarifying your what, how and why.
One quick tip for improving our posture as clinicians in our practice. This simple tool will reduce muscle tension and workload by positioning our pelvis and creating a neutral back position or resting lumbar lordosis.
If your shoulder hurts, makes joint sounds when you move it, if you have limited your activities or even have pain while sleeping on your shoulder, you need to understand why. First, check to see if your shoulder moves like the other. Second, a common problem is a shoulder joint capsular restriction, rotator cuff trigger points, and rib pain with muscle tension
Have you ever had an alignment issue of your car? You know there is a problem when your car vibrates at higher speeds, your steering wheel pulls to the side, and you have tread wear. A chronic shoulder problem is like a car alignment issue. This post is on how to screen for a shoulder problem and best treatment.
Dizziness or vertigo can be caused by a neck problem. Here are a few tips when assessing the neck. The head is not on straight. History of self-manipulation or stretching means that there is a neck problem. Pain and loss of upper neck motion with testing.