Part 2 of our core screening process is about how we use diagnostic ultrasound to assess core function. When the core muscles thicken they are contracting. Through different actions we test to see if the core is activating.
This is part 1 of our screening process for core strength and function. Posture, breathing, and back and pelvic issues are what we look for as part of our screen. Determining a cause for a weak core is an important part of the process.
Knee pain to the front or side of the knee is very common. Dry needling can be an effective way to reduce tension and pain to the knee. This video shows me dry needling the outside of my knee with two different techniques. Don’t try this at home!
Following a ruptured appendix, abdominal surgery and an infection my core was not working. This limited my ability to hike and run with tension and pain to my trunk. Targeted Core Training has improved my core and my ability to live my life again. Seeing my core function in real time allowed me to start engaging my core, reducing my pain and tension, and push beyond my limits. This is my COR Strength Story. SEE IT, TRAIN IT, LIVE IT!
Have you ever wondered if your core was strong? Or how to train your core? If you have had back or pelvic/hip pain during or following exercise then the COR Strength Project is for you.
Targeted Core Training is using diagnostic ultrasound to see core function. When strengthening your core muscles or abdomen seeing how your muscles engage in real time enhances any program and speeds up core activation, strengthening and recovery.