If your shoulder hurts, makes joint sounds when you move it, if you have limited your activities or even have pain while sleeping on your shoulder, you need to understand why. First, check to see if your shoulder moves like the other. Second, a common problem is a shoulder joint capsular restriction, rotator cuff trigger points, and rib pain with muscle tension
Have you ever had an alignment issue of your car? You know there is a problem when your car vibrates at higher speeds, your steering wheel pulls to the side, and you have tread wear. A chronic shoulder problem is like a car alignment issue. This post is on how to screen for a shoulder problem and best treatment.
This video is on dry needling for knee pain. It includes a follow up on a return to hiking and running hours after treatment. Pain and tension had reduced and the treated knee felt better than the right! Following dry needling it is safe to exercise. Immediate pain relief can occur after a dry needling treatment.
Dry needling for headache pain can be very effective in reducing muscle tension to the neck and base of the skull. While this does not deal with the underlying problem of why the neck muscles are painful it can be very helpful as a treatment.
This post shows us a treatment to the upper neck for headache pain. To keep the treatment safe we identify and avoid important structures.
Following any dry needling treatment it is important to keep the muscles and area moving. Self massage can be helpful to the area. Soreness can occur but should not last more than a few hours. Contact your practitioner if your soreness lasts more than 12 hours.